Fantasy Wings is now open for registration, for young people from Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority backgrounds. They run an Aviation programme which teaches young people how to become professional pilots and all about the world of Aviation, from Engineering to Aviation Leadership.
At the end of the 10 month programme, three young people on their programme will receive the cost of training for their 45-hour Private Pilot Licence & the exam for their Private Pilot License funded by Fantasy Wings. 50 additional BAME students of the 21/22 programme will receive a trial flying lesson fully funded by Fantasy Wings. This will be awarded at the end of the programme, at their Annual Conference.
Fantasy Wings are committed to changing the statistics and creating more opportunities for BAME students to become Airline Pilot’s and Aviation Professionals.
There is limited space available for young people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic young people backgrounds to join the programme in Birmingham, London and Manchester.