YES members receive training and support to co-produce their own projects based on relevant safeguarding topics which young people may face.
As well as knowing you will make a difference, you can develop your own skills and confidence in areas such as public speaking, creating & planning workshops, peer on peer delivery as well as exploring creative skills such as photography, film making, editing, music and more. We ensure that members receive full recognition and reward for their efforts.
Members of YES also have the opportunity of informing professionals and decision makers to ensure young people’s needs are understood and services are there to offer the right kind of support and guidance.

young ealing safeguarding
what is next for yes?
We are currently supporting peer-led projects in schools. We have teams of peer mentors supporting young people as they start year 7 in secondary school. We support a network of peer mentors on our MVP project addressing gender based harassment in Ealing’s schools.
We also continue to work with partners to raise awareness of young people’s mental well-being support needs.
YES continues to support the active involvement of young people in issues that matter to them.
If you want to get involved with any of this please contact Steve Curtis
- Want To Help Young People In The Borough?
- Become A Safeguarding Ambassador:
- Opportunity To Talk To Top Decision Makers In The Council:
- Want To Gain New Skills?
- Contact: 0208 825 5654
if you answered yes then come join the yes group

yes groups recent successes!
get involved
Here at YES we would like to provide a comfortable platform that encourages all young people to express any concerns they may have within the Ealing borough. We aim to deliver assistance and support where necessary that will provide all young people with the best possible outcome.
Visit us
Westside Young Peoples Centre, Churchfield Road, London, W13 9NF