Adele Hines
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
07710 104 361
What school do I work at?
Belvue School
0208 422 0372
About Me
What did you do before joining Connexions?
“I managed a transition project for adults with learning disabilities and difficulties, (as a council run education centre was closing) to support with social inclusion and community presence.”
Carlos Bishop
Personal Advisor
Contact Information

What school do I work at?
Elthorne High School
020 8566 1166
Drayton High School
020 8357 1900
About Me
What did you do before joining Connexions ?
“I was a Kitchen Porter, Sandwich Maker, Picture Frame Maker, Apprentice Boiler Maintenance Engineer, Theatre Usher, Sales Administrator, Dancer, Dance Teacher, Telephone Sales Mail Order Clerk at (Harrods). I’m sure there are more roles.”
Clare Rodway
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
What school do I work at?
Springhallow School
020 8566 1166
Greenford High School
020 8578 9152
About Me
What did you you Enjoy most about your Job?
“Client work – 1-2-1 with the young person/adult and helping them plan and see a positive outcome that is possible. Supporting them to manage and tackle barriers/issues challenging them to move on.”
Dawn Anderson
Senior Personal Advisor

Contact Information
0208 8257397
Where do I work?
Westside Young Peoples Centre
0208 825 5825
About Me
What do you enjoy most about your Job?
“My current role working with young people within the Youth Justice Service is very challenging but so rewarding. I enjoy helping young people who are disadvantaged, building trust with them and hopefully giving them an alternative they want to try.”
Deepal Patel
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
0208 8256898
Where do I work?
Brentside High School
Featherstone High School
020 8843 0984
About Me
Do you have a favourite quote or motto that inspires you in your work or life?
“Yes, I have a favourite quote that inspires me in both my work and life. It is “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: its is the courage to continue that counts” This quote, often attributes to Winston Churchill, reminds me that the success is not the end, and failure is not the end either, It is the ability to keep going, to persevere and to have the courage to continue despite setbacks that truly matters.”
Edward Speechley
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
Where do I work?
Do you have a favourite quote or motto that inspires you in your work or life?
“Yes! This quote comes from a book called ‘The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse’ –
The boy and the horse are in the woods.
“I can’t see a way through,” said the boy.
“Can you see your next step?”
“Just take that,” said the horse.””
Faye Williamson
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
Where do I work?
Ellen Wilkinson School For Girls
020 8752 1525
About Me
What did you do before joining Connexions?
“Before working for connexions I worked as a family support worker in a primary school, offering advice to parents with children who have SEND. When covid came I went back into childminding and ran my own provision.”
Jennie Truman
APST Project Coordinator

Contact Information
What do you enjoy most about your job ?
“I work with some of the most vulnerable children and families in the borough and am passionate about all children having opportunities to achieve their potential. I like that I have the time to give to the children and their families to challenge, advocate and support them to achieve developmental milestones that they should. Giving the consistent space for a child to be heard is paramount.”
Lindon Thompson
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
07702 954 470
Where do I work?
Ealing alternative provision EAP
020 8991 8570
Nahid Ghaibi
Personal Advisor
Contact Information

Where do I work?
Ark Acton Academy
020 3110 2400
About Me
Do you have a favourite quote or motto that inspires you in your work or life?
My favourite quote that inspires me is “Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.”
Netifah Toussaint– Wilson
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
Where do I work?
Ealing alternative provision EAP
020 8991 8570
Northolt High School
020 8864 8544
About Me
What do you enjoy most about your job?
“What I enjoy most about my job is having the opportunity to help young people to grow and progress, through significant stages in their lives.”
Rajwinder Kaur
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
What schools I work at
020 8566 6466
St Marks School
020 8577 3600
About Me
What did you do before joining Connexions?
“I worked in a secondary school. I worked in the learning support team.”
Shaminder Bahra
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
What schools I work at
Featherstone High School
020 8843 0984
Villiers High School
020 8813 8001
About Me
Do you have a favourite quote or motto that inspires you in your work or life?
My favourite quote is – Conquer the mind, conquer the world
Teresa Connolly
Personal Advisor

Contact Information
07581 068 178
What school do I work at?
Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School
0208 422 0372
About Me
Why did you become a careers advisor?
“I wanted a job after I had my children which would fit in with their needs (they were 2 and 3) I got a job with the Careers Service and after a year they asked me if I would like to qualify as a Careers Adviser “
Vicky Simpson
Personal Advisor